Fees and Appointments
Tyner Road Medical Centre is a fully accredited private billing clinic and our fees reflect the cost of providing and maintaining a high level medical service to the community.
Every effort is made to keep fees modest and in keeping with the high-quality service you receive. Non attendance fees are applicable.
Bulk Billing is provided for those that hold a Pension Card, Gold DVA card and children under the age of 16.
A reduced fee will be charged for Health Care Card Holders.
Standard consultation - $75.00 Rebate $42.85
Long consultation - $113.00 Rebate $82.90
Rebates can be claimed on the day.
A reduced fee is applicable for Pensioners, Health Care Card Holders and children under the age of 16 on Tuesday and Thursday 6pm to 8pm.
Work Cover and TAC patients:
We charge a private fee to ALL patients which is to be settled on the day of your consultation. We will issue you with an Invoice and you can make a claim from TAC or your Insurance Company.
All reception staff are trained to process all types of accounts. If you are concerned or have any queries please speak to Caroline, our Administration Team Leader.
Fees including Telehealth Appointments
If a CHILD is having a Telehealth appointment, the child MUST be present with the parent - this is a Medicare requirement.
Current Fees:
Our current Fee Schedule is prominently displayed at reception and is as follows:
Standard Consultation $92.00 Rebate $42.85
Long Consultation $130.00 Rebate $82.90
We ask that all accounts be paid in full on the day of your appointment. We accept Cash, EFTPOS, MasterCard and Visa. Surcharges are applicable if you tap your card.
Our electronic interface with Medicare means we can lodge your paid account at the time of consultation, the rebate being reimbursed into your account normally within 24 hours or we can offer you a direct rebate if you have a debit card.
Some out of pocket expenses may be incurred with your consultation. These can include vaccines, transfer of your medical history or additional tests provided at the time of your consultation.
If you are experiencing financial hardship please discuss this with your doctor.
Appointment Options
Please see information below regarding appointment lengths and types. When booking with reception, please indicate if your visit requires a longer appointment than normal/standard. Unsure? Please ask!
Please arrive in time for your appointment and check in with reception. We are happy for you to ring ahead to check on waiting times.
If you’re presenting with covid/upper respiratory symptoms, you can still book via reception or online. When booking through HotDoc, please select “Carpark Consultation” and similarly, if calling on the phone please ask for the same type of appointment.
When you arrive at the driveway, veer to the left and park under the green carport. Please call reception from your car to notify of your arrival.
Despite our best intentions our doctors sometimes run late. Our reception staff will keep you informed if there is a significant delay.
Patients with medical emergencies will be attended to as a priority.
Booking Online:
HotDoc makes booking online seamless and easy! No matter what time of the day or night you get a chance to book an appointment, HotDoc will show real-time what appointments are available. Stress free + no need to wait for the clinic to open in the morning.
SMS Reminders:
An appointment reminder message is automatically sent from HotDoc via SMS to your mobile phone, so please make sure reception has your most up-to-date contact numbers.
Standard (15 minutes):
Less than two concerns
Medical Certificate
Standard Care Plans
Review Appointments
Antenatal Appointments
Questions regarding Covid Vaccine
Asthma Action Plan
Car Park Consultations (symptomatic patients)
Long (30 minutes):
New Patients
More than two concerns
6-week check for Mum + Baby
DVA Medicals
Insurance Exams
Complex Care Plans
Pre-employment Exams
Medical Report Paperwork
Pap Smear/Cervical Screening
Emotional/Psychological Concerns
Dietician Appointment/Diabetes Education with Russell Nassim
Prolonged (45+ minutes):
Complex concerns
Health Assessments
Nurse Appointments:
Wound Care
Minor Biopsy
Ear Syringing
Health Assessments
Blood Pressure Checks
Plaster Casts/Removals
In-grown Toenail Repair
New Patients
Complete a New Patient using through HotDoc
We warmly welcome new patients
to our clinic!
Whether you’ve googled us, we’re your local doctor or you’ve been recommended by someone else, we are more than happy to welcome you on board as a patient.
What should you do now?
Please call the clinic first to make an appointment, then simply click the button below to complete the form.
Once submitted, all the hard work is done and we will have all the information we need from you.
Future Bookings
After we’ve received your form, for future appointment bookings you can simply head online at whatever time suits you. See the button below for a quick link to our bookings page.
Non-Attendance Policy
Tyner Road Medical Centre is committed to ensuring that the best possible service is provided to all patients registered with the Practice.
It is disappointing when an appointment is not utilised due to a patient not attending or cancelling their appointment.
Patient non-attendance adversely impacts other patients in the following manner:
The DNA (did not attend) patient takes the appointment slot of another patient who could have attended.
Increases waiting time for appointments.
A DNA occurs when:
an appointment is not attended.
the patient has not contacted the Practice in advance to cancel their appointment.
where the cancellation is so late that it makes it impossible to offer their appointment to another patient who needs medical care.
Cancellation Fee
Due to the high demand for our appointments and with patients on our cancellation lists, a fee of $50.00 for standard consultations or $80.00 for long consultations will be charged for all appointments not attended and appointments where 2 hours notice has not been received.
We do ask for the non attendance fee to be settled before any further appointments can be booked.
There may also be the possibility of permanent suspension from the practice at the Doctors’ discretion for repeat offenders.
As a courtesy to our other patients, please give at least 2 hours notice for cancellation of appointments.
We do understand that situations arise that are out of your control and appointments can be forgotten or overlooked.
In such cases, the Practice will take into account the reasons given, however repeat non attendances are unacceptable.
If you need to cancel an appointment you can do this in any one of the following ways:
(1) In person at the Reception Desk
(2) Phone: 9801 7411
(3) If booked online through HotDoc, cancelling online is an option.
Reducing DNAs
Unless you have booked your appointment on the day, a text reminder confirmation message is sent out to all patients with a mobile phone number recorded on file 24 hours prior to their appointment.
It is the Patient’s responsibility to:
Advise the Practice of any change to their contact details
Attend their appointment or reschedule within a reasonable timeframe.
To help us improve the system and make more appointments available for patients who are on our cancellation lists and do require medical care, please adhere to our Practice Policy.